ed.Context Logo Wortmarke

ed.Context helps to quickly understand your Analytics data visually. Add context to your GA4 and Adobe analytics reports. Discover relationships using contextual data with our ed.Context browser extension for Google Chrome.

ed.Context Chrome Plugin

To display the context data in Google Analytics 4, you need our extension for Google Chrome. You can freely download the Chrome Extension from the Google Store.


The right context is crucial for the correct interpretation of analysis data. In practice, exactly this context data is often missing. The functions for adding annotations and notes to reports are usually very limited and cumbersome to use in common analysis environments. Exactly this gap is closed by ed.Context.

Use ed.Context to merge information from various sources and display it directly in the reporting environment of the web analysis solution as a mashup with the reports. This significantly reduces the time needed to evaluate reports from context. Relevant context data can be sorted into categories and displayed selectively. This allows you to immediately see if an event has a direct impact on the timing of the metric under consideration.

Make your standard Google Analytics reports speak to you. In today’s world, data is the key to success. Every company collects data to help achieve business goals. Often the interpretation of these data streams is not easy. ed.Context is the means to build an active interpretation tool for individual data to make the results of the analyses quickly and easily available.

Many sources of context data are directly available in ed.Context:

  • Publish notes from a Tag Management System
  • Import from Google Spreadsheets
  • Weather data from OpenWeatherMap
  • Calendars for vacations and public holidays
  • Custom event calendars


ed.Context is interesting for:

  • Data-driven users who work with data every day
  • Users who want to save time and determine at a quick glance which event caused a discrepancy in the data

Automated merging of different sources

  • Fully automated collection of context data
  • Software-supported implementation as SaaS solution
  • Permanent data storage in the ed.Context database

Context data for Adobe and GA4 – ed.Context


Choose the right plan and sign up today.


  • 0€ yearly


  • 290€ yearly (17% off)


  • 990€ yearly (17% off)


  • 2.490€ yearly (17% off)
View Annotations Free Pro Business Enterprise
Number of users unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
Public Data Set
Google Search Incidents x x x x
Google Analytics 4 Releases x x x x
Google Tagmanager Releases x x x x
Google Analytics 4
Chrome Extension x x x x
Annotation Report Table x x x x
Adobe Analytics
Workspace Annotations (native) x x x
Create Annotations Free Pro Business Enterprise
Number of users 5 20 unlimited
Number of events per month 150 500
Google Analytics 4
ed.Context Web App x x x
Number of properties unlimited unlimited unlimited
Adobe Analytics
ed.Context Web App x x x
Number of Report Suites unlimited unlimited unlimited
Automate Annotations (Import) Free Pro Business Enterprise
Open Weather API

(Number of cities)

3 10 unlimited
Google Tag Manager

(Number of containers)

3 10 unlimited
Google Spreadsheet Connector

(Number of spreadsheets)

1 3 unlimited
Export Annotations Free Pro Business Enterprise
Google Cloud Platform Connector

(Big Query)

x x unlimited
Adobe Annotations API x x unlimited

Table legend:          x: included           : not available          number: count of instances included          unlimited: included and count not limited by license terms